Investor FAQs

Where is Talos Energy's corporate headquarters?

333 Clay Street, Suite 3300, Houston, TX 77002.

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Where is Talos Energy incorporated?

Talos Energy was incorporated in Delaware in 2017.

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What is Talos Energy's fiscal year?

January 1 - December 31.

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Who is Talos Energy's transfer agent?

P.O. Box 505000
Louisville, KY 40233
Toll-Free: 1.800.962.4284
International: 1.781.575.3120

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How can I trade Talos Energy stock shares?

Talos Energy is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), with ticker symbol TALO.

You may buy and/or sell stock shares by opening a brokerage account with your preferred brokerage firm. You may also trade stock shares through Computershare’s Investor Center once you have opened an account.

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How do I transfer stock, change the address of my shareholder account, or replace a lost stock certificate?

P.O. Box 505000
Louisville, KY 40233
Toll-Free: 1.800.962.4284
International: 1.781.575.3120

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Where can I find Talos Energy's SEC filings and Quarterly and Annual Reports?

You can find: SEC filings here; Quarterly information here; and Annual information here.

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Where can I find Talos Energy tax information?

You can find Talos Energy tax information here.

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Where can I find Talos Energy's Sustainability Reports?

Links to Talos Energy's Sustainability Reports can be found here.

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Who is Talos Energy's corporate auditor?

Ernst & Young

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How do I get added to Talos Energy email distribution list?

You may register for the email alert list here.

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